Sunday, September 18, 2011

Computer Zombie

I got to Relive tonight/this morning what my sister so vividly remembers from high school.  Jaclyn the computer zombie.  Ya see I had this crazy addiction in high school called "The Internet" and I dunno, some of you may have heard of it.  I (along with catrillions of others i'm sure) have wasted like years of my life on it but when the zombie comes out there is no fooling around.  I'm talking like crazy late hours on this thing!  It starts with Email..Facebook...other peoples blogs....pinterest....Google....before you know it, it's 2:30 in the morning and you're up on the couch, computer in lap, eating chocolate covered raisins, listening to random people doing covers of your favorite country songs on Youtube and you cant even sleep anymore!  Ever seen those commercials for Bing when the girl starts freaking out and rambling random crap from search over load or whatever it's about?  That is how my brain feels right now!  I'm FINALLY going to bed and I pra....what the? why is there a random stinky feet smell coming in from my second story window?...pray i'll be able to sleep.  Wish me luck! 

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