Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Our First 4th of July

The morning started off really well with a couple hours of car work, Jaclyn's favorite.  It was supposed to be a quick fifteen minute thing, but it turned into a two hour ordeal because the scissorjack sucked.  Someday we will have a lift in our garage that I'll just drive up onto and twenty minutes later the job will be finished.  After that Jaclyn gave me the tanning rundown for the day.  I had to spend my hour baking in the summer Oklahoma sun.  Luckily, Jaclyn knows her sun worship and since the first lobster fiasco I have been exposing my real potential as a medium skin tone.  HAHAHA!  The sudden onset of thunderstorm clouds cut our tanning experience a little short.  Even worse than that, it ruined our epiphany of having a picnic in the park.  Almost immediately after the sandwiches were made, cats and dogs literally fell from the sky.  Anyone who has spent any amount of time in Oklahoma can attest to the storms.  Beside the fact that our afternoon picnic was ruined, we feared that the fireworks would be hindered.  Luckily the rain quite just as quickly as it showed up.  So Jaclyn and I geared up for what was once named CNN's top ten celebrations for the 4th of July, the Edmond Freedom Fest.  If it weren't for the absolutely delicious watermelon, which was also free, we would have been a little bit disappointed.  The main event was the Fireworks display, so we hung around for a couple of hours in the hot and overly crowded parking lot of OCU.  Originally we had plenty of space to the side of our car to lounge out and watch the fireworks, but we don't have the heart to turn people away that were looking for spots, so we gave in and gave up all of our extra room.  It didn't end up mattering anyway because the fireworks shot up so high that my neck has a kink in it today, it was AWESOME!!!  I have never seen or heard fireworks this loud or big; car alarms were going off all over the place.  The finale is shown in the video below.  Gotta love America's Independence Day. 

To all those that read this post, you can give a shout out to my awesome husband Brycer, who wrote the 4th of July blog for his wife because it was late and I was too tired :)  He's a sweetie.

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